Sunday, September 18, 2005

all that good keep-it-together jazz.

soooo.... no one else posted an entry, and it's going to be deevism again who strikes.

this is truly beginning to seem like a terribly sad affair, which as amelia has put it so blatantly, involving "just sio and [me]". it's unclear to me why i'm explaining myself, but i didn't mean to give a blow-by-blow account of my portfolio-building or my contemplation of nus life such an egotistical twist. rather, they aim to keep things going for this blog -- so that the well never dries -- and hopefully incite other people into posting their thoughts and work-process up as well. i acknowledge the fact that other people have more life and work than i have, and am not demanding that everyone meet a quota of entries, but if this blog begins to seem centred only on "just sio and [me]", then surely it isn't our fault either. or more accurately, there should not be a fault to begin with.

this is a collective. it's about us, you telling me things and me telling you things -- sometimes more, sometimes less, and all that good keep-it-together jazz. i mean, it's not like i've even begun to discuss how beautiful i am, how everyone should pay homage to me by genuflecting to images of me, and when you see me in person, kiss my feet; i already have another website for that good love-d-to-bits jazz.

i hope this sets the record straight.

p/s: that being said, it's not like not talking about how beautiful i am should prevent you from exercising your rights to idolise me and to want to kiss my feet when you see me. please feel free.


sio said...

question: how to kiss those feet hidden in those kickin boots?

solvent_d said...


i'd stop, lift them up one at a time, or both if i'm seated. i'd even take my boots and socks off for them good-lookers!

so nice right me?

sio said...

perhaps you might try that on ashin-ashin and moneky while waiting seated outside dfs!