Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Bedok caught in action....CHAO MUGGER!!!!!!!

bedok, livin it Bedok Designing

the usual-suspects phenomenon:

1. lack of personal hygiene evident from same attire over long period of time.

2. smoking in foyer at 3am to stay awake (might sometimes resort to sitting/lying on deyi's lap upon invitation).

3. pretending to cad/photoshop seriously during studio while playing diablo.

4. cute like hell/ very huggable (not applicable to all).


Anonymous said...

hi~~I'm su young...hehe..
do u still remember me?
sometime, msn name tell me many things...I find this blog from msn name. I so so so missing them all.......I saw all pics of this blog...when I saw ma pic(with sio), I was really really happy to see it...I think that mean u, guys still remember me and still think as friend. thanks for all.....

solvent_d said...

HIIIIIIIIII SUYONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not only do we remember you, i even mentioned you in one of my entries! hehehehe....


and yah! Bedok's such a bloody aki-spirit. it hasn't changed its clothes (that skimpy red ribbon that covers nothing) in the last three years... uh-huh, just when we thought zihao or amelia spent too much time in studio...

sio said...

KIM SU YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I-PU-DA here...how are you, CHA-SENG-KUOT-DA? i miss you so much, I miss telling you to TA-CHOR, BA-BU-YA!!!!!


hehe...su young su young...tell us all how you have been...