Saturday, September 10, 2005

cheers, indeed: a hope and an afterword.

i see what sio means in her post below, and i guess in many ways she's hit some spots which i failed to qualify in my earlier post. just like to say that i personally learnt a great deal of things from nus and was very glad to have gone to university, because like sio, i too enjoy the opportunities abundant in structured education. some might not know, but i had actually planned to join the ranks of the working class post-full-time national service, believing then that there was nothing more institutions could offer me that i couldn't learn on my own through sheer tenacity and diligence. (at that point, as evidenced, i was also highly deluded into thinking that i was very self-motivated and hardworking...)

this might sound like male-cow droppings, but even amelia's listing of the deadlines ahead of her doesn't completely turn me off. something about actually having been there--but purely in terms of only the workload/ busy scheduling, not the evolved culture of school now--in the past that allows me the clarity to see and know that, you know what, at the end of the day, things will actually be okay.

all that said, i guess what i really meant to say in my earlier post--and obviously failing miserably--is that i do wish my personal life hadn't taken on such a dramatic turn to have soured everything. i'm a person of moderate temperament who truly means it say when i go "i'm okay; things could be better, but they can also be worse", but it's actually still that personal madness, which inevitably became irrevocably entwined with my time in aki@nus, that i'd unflinchingly be glad is over.


[hah! i guess that tentative "somewhat" goes to show just how much i'm aware of the mystery of tomorrow as sio predicts, though all at once, i remain hopeful. in that vein -- in an attempt to stay hopeful and positive, this is likely the last time i'd write about this here.]

before i end for the hour, let me just leave another reminiscent photo of where sio and i spent a great part of our last semester; seeing how yk seems to like our area so much, this photo is especially dedicated to him:



ameliadollars said...

i think i know wat you're talking about. it's not about school, it's about you (just that you happen to be in school in tt period of time). yea? anyway... i dunno how much you all love this structured education thing and the many datelines...i cant wait to get out. i hate structured, i need freedom!

sio said...

i don't think its about you, just that you happen to be in school at that time. personal growth/ encouters/ experiences/ etc etc may not occur because of the consequences you are in but are surely affected due to them. the environment about you affects somewhat, no matter how unrelated they both may seem. makes sense?

in other words, do you think i could have survived my 3 yr long period of e***-drama if not for school? perhaps yes..but we can't be sure can we?

Anonymous said...

hmmm... yes, work is a motivating drive. at least you made a bunch of really good friends who'll stand by you. (i guess u can figure out the pretext of this statement, from what i gathered of your post)


solvent_d said...


if that was for me, tks!