Sunday, September 11, 2005

Here are my flatmates

Left to right: Marco (Italian), Me (Singaporean!) and Adrian (Spanish)


solvent_d said...




(okay, i don't know how annoying/ weird he is with you, but marco's cute!)

solvent_d said...

but of course, KS's the cutest!!!

sio said...

calm yourself down sweetpee. take deep breaths. breathe in, breathe out...that's the key.

in my opinion, ks looks the best in that photo!

sio said...

is marco wearing a hairband??????hahahahahah tt's so like...10 yrs ago.

but i'm sure he's a nice guy. :)

ameliadollars said...

marco? wat???? he looks like the guy from 98 degrees. not cute! GEEEEEEEE! the right one maybe a bit better...

ameliadollars said...

then again! i change my mind! the right one got a wrong vibe too! ks best lar! harharhar!

solvent_d said...

what's 98 degrees???? issit Power 98???????

ahahaha... i was telling Sio that if you looked from like really far away, Adrian looks a bit like Enrique Iglesias, but then she reminded me that if you looked from REALLY REALLY REALLY far away, everyone looks like Enrique Iglesias.

very point!

hahahahaha.... yah, KS is best. we shall ogle him! KS has to post more pics of himself and 165guy!!!

sio said...

165guy... i likie likie...!