[disclaimer: this is just plainly casual.]
woah, suddenly even i don't know what to make of everything discussed for the competition. should have figured that bringing in (french) philosophy at any point would invariably complicate matters! seriously though, we should do some reading up on the few philosophical concepts if we were to include the terms in our submission. stray arm-chair philosophising, which even i am guilty of, is fine between us, but at some point we really need to know what we are talking about.
this reminds me of two separate stories.
it has always been important to me to engage in some amount of philosophy in both my work and life seeing as how i'm a highly cerebral person who doesn't take to irrationality lightly. (i can suffer stupidity, but irrationality is quite a whole different diagnosis.) although in recent years, i've grown a little wary of what i say, avoiding as much as possible to drop too many philosophical ideas; french ones, especially, as they are not nearly as easy to comprehend due to the way they evolved in thought. often, architectural--or in fact, design in general--discourse has grown suspect with its active engagement of other fields of study. don't get me wrong, i fully appreciate the result of it -- i am after all the one who wants to go into theoretical research, just not entirely convinced of it not, well... being self-reassuring "bullshit". as Bierut discusses:
It follows that every design presentation is inevitably, at least in part, an exercise in bullshit. The design process always combines the pursuit of functional goals with countless intuitive, even irrational decisions. The functional requirements — the house needs a bathroom, the headlines have to be legible, the toothbrush has to fit in your mouth — are concrete and often measurable. The intuitive decisions, on the other hand, are more or less beyond honest explanation.the other story was regaled back in school by a lecturer (memory failure, so it's a draw between Phil and Qiaos) about a public lecture that Derrida gave at one of the Ivy Leagues. apparently this big-named architect, whose architectural discourse is steeped in Derrida's philosophy, attended the event hoping he'd finally have the opportunity to meet his idol. what the architect didn't know then was that Derrida was apparently not only acquainted with said-architect's own writings, but actually also felt that his philosophy on deconstruction had been mangled. so when the philsopher found out that the architect was out to meet him, Derrida apparently did everything possible to keep himself occupied and away from this star architect.
horrors... now u feel my pain dee... or probably u have always felt that way... the pain of some truth in armchair philosophising is better than fragrant disregard for ANY truth other than meeting the submission deadline and conjuring up ridiculous philosophies in order to meet them (my concept is abt the movement of a fish in water). then again, it means ur submission is screwed and ur philosophies dun stand HAHA.
hmm my sociology tutor talked abt something called "(i forgot wat,amelia might remember)" that involves doing antisocial actions in order to test underlying assumptions and reactions. put it architecturally, like plotting a graph of picked up condoms against time of the night, making a collage made of picked up rubbish to denote character of a place, testing reactions if u do some funny act in public (wait kanna arrested like cheesoonjuan then too bad) etc.
from these alternative methods of research as opposed to cutesy site analysis diagrams there might exist a real relationship between radical ideas and radical research methods that probably might be an interesting way to work to test some assumptions.
kansheng is right abt changing singapore. its DAMN FAST! like URA is using SKETCHUP PUSH AND PULL BUTTON! hmm, maybe dee is implying the flux is so constant that rate of change leads to HOMOGENEITY?
if one fully understood what one were talking about, what then is the point in talking about it? if everyone were encouraged not to discuss or share an idea unless he or she understands to the fullest extent what is being discussed, then it'd be a sad affair of no one speaking up. but now you've mentioned it, i'll just stick to my frivolous entries!
chez&dees! help me write my UD? hurhurhur ;)
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