Monday, August 07, 2006

hello world

Hi guys, its been awhile. Somehow between drifting aimlessly in my own little world up there in my head and setting out to work on my conviction to make constructive every day I have here, I have fogotten to include all of you guys in my life. ops!

Being back in Singapore was great; seeing and catching up with family and friends is always good and healthy. I also got a chance to check out some of the new things around town (I particularly liked MAAD flee market at Red Dot Design). Mainly I hung out at Acid Bar, especially fun with the World Cup going on at the time, and spent some time going to gallery openings and exhibitions (did you know Sculpture Square next to Secret Garden has quite good exhibitions?) Anyhow all in all it was a terrific 3 weeks.

Now, almost a month later and 2 weeks into a new semester, it all seemed like a distant dream. So much has been transforming in me that it feels kinda like a rebirth. Have you guys ever felt like you've wasted your entire life up to that moment in time and your whole body is just trembling with the urge to do something to catch up? Well, I feel this way right now. I have in the past looked upon some individuals and thought to myself,'this dude thinks he/she knows everything but one day he/she is gonna realise he/she knows nothing.'; well, I have become that person. I mean, I didn't think I knew better, just that I realise the more I know, the less I know.

Anyway, not to get too deep into that psycho shit, one of the main reasons I have reached the conviction that I need start doing more (reading and putting into action) can be contributed to several persons I have come to know of. I'm not going to say who they are cos that's not the point. But I am going to say they have impressed and motivated me to actually start DOING something.

Two of my studiomates run an actual office of their own doing "data conversion and reverse engineering". Basically they took 2 years off school to travel and search for a "worthy" competition in which they felt was meaningful. They ended up in Jenin Refugee Camp (during the recent war - how crazy is that) and joined a design competition, details of which I am not too familiar with but it started, for them, a series of research based on the refugee settlement and emergence patterns. Using this information they've also generated a computer script that translates this pattern into a simple game of life (download and play god!)

I know of another individual who is currently teaching at rmit and doing his phd on the "uptake of digital technology in the small architectural practice" as part of the Embedded Practice Research programme, which is run by the government looking into innovations in architectural design practice. He also produced a local radio show called The Architects on

With regards to the above mentioned as well as a few other individuals, I guess its cheesy to talk about role models and inspirational people. I'm not saying I wanna be like them but more so they have made me realise I'd be wasting my life away if I don't start doing something, anything, now.

As I begin my 'spiritual journey of self discovery' (haha) I've stumbled upon several intensely interesting stuff. I use the word "intensely" as they truly are. The communications class I'm enrolled in has introduced me to the world of scripting. Unlike people like yk whereby scripting can be considered second nature to them, its really a gold find for me. The implications of attaining that knowledge can truly change the way I design in the future (hopefully). Indeed I feel it is the future of all designs. Before this I thought chi-chi designs can only look chi-chi and be justified only by some poetic intention but with the knowledge of scripting chi-chi designs to me can now be generated by complete control. It is super difficult for me to grasp, the computer idiot, but the prospects of what I might be able to do is enduring interest.

For studio this sem I've been put in charge of a slime mould (of which I've named Bobby) and to experiment with different living environments. I've also learnt that latex modelling is super fun. I wish you guys can all have access to our wiki page, sort of like a blog for the studio, but basically we're looking into plasticity (the title of the studio)in conjunction with slime mould growing environments and the idea of emergence. This studio looks into the plasticity of architecture (architectural surround, living surfaces etc) but I haven't made the full link yet so I'll post more interesting issues next time. Check out Piccinini's work , TC&A and

ok. Very boring read. All apologies but no regrets. Miss you all!


solvent_d said...

great to see some people in our group are still inspired.

Anonymous said...

what's there to apologise for? you've inspired me too!

oahiz_wanders said...

haha Emergence is damn utopian...
requires every single human to reach that sense of maturity and intelligence in order to work so...

Emergence is the book where khengsoon conveniently picked up from the foyer basheer and got so engrossed he took it to the canteen to read without paying...

solvent_d said...

-points at oahiz's anecdote of k.soon-

hahahahaha... that's the funniest thing i've heard in a while.