[in chez's footsteps, though not quite as funny.]
magda was the antithesis of her partner, joyce poh; perpetually chirpy and sunny disposition but never around! because of that, her table was always used by other people like me.
*re-enact: -sees mag suddenly hovering beside, "sorry magdalene, sorry sorry... i'd clean up my mess immediately. you wait a while hor... soooooooooooooorrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"*
+ + + + +
there was always one other weird fella, other than myself, who lurked in the year one studio so much. oahiz_wanders was his name. i was escaping reality, what's his excuse?
my deepest impression of chez was, however, forged through an inquiry ames and i made. ames and i were in my studio (and chez was unfailingly next door of course) but chatting with each other on ICQ -- that's when the trend of msn/ icq-ing people physically near you began. we wondered if june-4ths were prone to staying over in school a lot, so we joked that maybe chez was born on the 4th of june too. amelia decided to ask him for his birthdate just for the fun of it, and what do you....
+ + + + +
at my first crit ever:
someone said to a group of us, mostly girls, "that guy presenting is very cute!"+ + + + +
dee, "who? where? whoooo?!?!?!?"
someone, "from colin's studio. the bald one in that black military shirt [she meant shirt with epaulettes]!"
dee, "ooohh.... who's he?"
someone else [think it's joyce], "he's wuks. heard he's from TCHS aep and that his drawings are very nice!!!"
all, "wwwwhhhhoooooaaaa!!!!!"
ameliadollars was introduced to me by Trisha shortly before our "welcome tea". when i first spoke to ames over the phone, trying to figure out how to meet her for the reception, i thought to myself:
how does she hold it all together and know everything!?!?!?!?when i finally met her at the car porch, she did her Homecoming-Queen thing of going 'hiiiiiii!!!!', 'harlooooooow!!!!', "heeeeeeeeey!!!' while waving her hand madly at almost everyone decked in that black t-shirt. (those whom she didn't wave to, i figured were her defeated sore-loser competition.) she tried to introduce me to some of these people-in-black-tshirts, but i was way too overwhelmed by how popular she seemed -- i had never hung out with the popular crowd in school, you see.
my foray into getting to know her family started that day. my first insight: her mother likes tulips more than she does.
+ + + + +
the first girl whom i saw smoking outside my studio was none other than sio. i was thinking to myself:
well, at least she's normal...she was the cool unfriendly friend of joyce, while wf was the cool overly friendly friend.
my deepest impression, yet again, occurred at her most ahlian-esque defence of joyce against aaron soh. apparently aaron had shouted at joyce, after which sio decided to shout back at him. i could have sworn sio would whip out her handphone, dial a few numbers and call her gang for back-up to beat aaron soh up. i thought to myself then:
if a fight breaks out, and somehow my face is scarred, i'm so blaming her!!!!!sio also helped joyce and i score 4 sticks of marlboro lights from some guy from studio 1. hahaha...
+ + + + +
long before i entered nus, my real outside friends told me a whole lot of things about this cao-ah-kua from aki, whom we noticed hanging around with different men a lot at orchard road.
my first impression?
what a sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut!in school, joyce was always going on and on about this "very, very, very cute OGL at camp who might be gay cause he's a bit -broken wrist motion-" ,but whom she had stopped seeing appear in school. then one day, she suddenly shouted at me in studio, "DEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! THAT'S HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
i turned and finally spotted yaoks. for the first time in school. turning to joyce, i went:
dear joyce. one. cannot. get. any. gayer. than. that!her face collapsed.
+ + + + +
remember how i said i had the habit of working beside joyce at magda's table? yah, so there was this friend of mag's who'd always come to her table to drop something off, or to just pop her head into the cubicle only to realise that it was me and not mag at the table.
neovox effectively became not only "magda's friend", but also the only person i recognised from that mystical middle section of year 1 studio -- "mystical" because there was so much mess from the rearrangement of studios that apparently studios were no longer seated in numerical order, and i didn't know anyone from those few studios. anyone i did not recognise from our batch i'd say:
must be from magda's friend's studio lah!"+ + + + +
at my first studio briefing, after the "Welcome Tea", jumeng was going to start discussing P1 with us. then this really tall lanky fella raised his hand said:
err, sorry ah jumeng; can i be excused now? i need to go for my driving test soon.my deepest impression of ah foong has got to be at one of his presentations in the early part of Effective Communication class (when i was still enrolled in the class), or at the first studio briefing, when he told us that his mother passed away when he was in sec school and he had to help out with the household chores because his brother wasn't the most helpful of individuals. in awe, i thought to myself most sincerely:
this fella oughta be president's scholar....

for the record:
i did NOT shout at aaron. in fact i was quite soft......
yah, i only just learnt from your earlier post (in response to chez) that you're not from aep lor.
cheated me all these years.
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