Wednesday, September 28, 2005

site visit @ clementi woods _ end 04

step-by-step guide to doing a site survey
1. Ponder very hard on which site to choose and why. Often times this proves to be the real challenge that could make or break your design output. Don't forget to consider all issues like a) location - best if its walking distance! b) landscape - beware of mosquitoes and all those creepy crawlies! c) terrain - don't kill yourself climbing those slopes! d) surrounding built-ups a.k.a chances of finding ute-cay human forms etc. etc.
2. Survey very closely all site conditions to the closest detail, i.e. drain flow. Possible site elimination if too many site constraints that are tough to work around - less sleepless nights!
3. Discuss and share with peers on initial design intentions and possible approaches. This can be tricksy if you don't choose your site visit company wisely. Plan beforehand and avoid calling along people you are not comfortable with!
4. Make a point to experience and be a part of existing site conditions. Many a times it helps when you spend some time walking around, observing activities and even become a user of the facilities available at the existing site. Don't feel shy!
5. Encourage peers to do the same; its a good practice!
6. Oh of course, don't die or hurt yourself/ others in the process.

1 comment:

solvent_d said...

hehehehehe. this is quite funny!!!
