Friday, September 09, 2005

i realise u can change the title!!!

anyways, ks pls dun lau kwee us. it's yammmmm seng! not yam sei. and oops i dun know wat that means too. hehehee... u can go cook up some theory and xian your ang moh buddies. hehehe!

o ya! and sorry! seems like we predicted the weather wrongly! hope u din bring too many thick clothes!!! whahahaha~

and i want to leave a msg for chez: CHOOSE PERRY YANG FOR DESIGN NEXT SEM K! (i try to see i can choose back same tutor or not. hopefully can... then we can stay in skoo together! o yah, got to jio jansen too... KS! u also! whahaha...) tts all! hopes chez sees this~


solvent_d said...

i thought it turns into "yam sei" because ppl get drunk? gee... shows how much i know about these cantonese lines.

-background: huuuuuum kaaaa chaaaaan-

sio said...

its yam seng and its always been yam seng... wtf is yam sei?

and when people get drunk they just go hehehehehe. who says yam sei when they are drunk?
