Thursday, September 08, 2005

lunch hour

waddup, sio's in the houseee...

first thing first..WORK SUCKS!!!!!!!!! hahaha

A big fat wet thank you to deyi for being a saint in setting this're the bestest of the best! and congrats for seriously moving on in your completing of application. Let's so go have a binge when we get accepted! meanwhile i shall try to stay afloat in this crazy firm in this crazy country. i know everyone probably already knows this cos i make it a point not to hide my true feelings but....I MISS SCHOOL!!! i miss designing... i dread project managing...but to be truely fair, its been quite a learning experience over this past 3 months...the price to pay? wrinkles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i swear... lines are beginning to appear on my forehead. so advice to all: be polite and don't stare the next time u see me! or else...

food coma...want to sleep...

sleep and never wake up.

fishes fly, birds swim..what's not possible? nothing... in my whirling world of clouds i yearn to float...........

ok, back to work!


solvent_d said...

"food coma"? what's that?

anyway, congrats on your first post here! hehehe... we all should write more, but seeing as how i'm the freest, i guess it'd be a lot of me writing about beautiful me. heehee...

sio said...

food coma

1. want to go and sleep immediately
2. blurry vison, no focus
3. want to go and sleep immediately