Wednesday, February 28, 2007

when will they grow up....?

i often had the unfortunate experience of sharing a bus full of screaming teenage kids due to the mechanics of intelligent town planning and feeder bus routes.

BGR, classroom politics, maplestory tactics, dolling up their blogs, and the likes... i would be perfectly honest to say, it irks me... the future of spore?

i was camping out at pastamania, thinking that it wld be priced out against the screaming infestation of boys and girls in their timeless cliques trying to flirt with each other. but sadly, i was crowded out. then it struck me...

we are living in a inclusive society of changing spaces, a capitalist mall had conveniently been reinvented to the materialist wants of whichever demographics that dominate the space there and then. the daycare aunties, the giggly school ah lian, the gaming arcade boys, there is no public space as defined in the architecturocentric term.... there is a fleeting dance of socio-spatial relations. and i, sitting there, feels left out in a space i would otherwise find normal in another day and circumstance.

i then went to the library... the refuge, the arcane institution for knowledge... walking past all the occupied multimedia computers provided, sat giggling school girls poring over friendster hunks, checking on rival cliques' blogs... what travesty! this is the library! i shall write to the straits times complaining bitterly about the apocalyptic collapse of the education system and society! these kids will grow up to jump onto mrt tracks! their only recourse is to join a church cell group! (haha very bad joke).

then it struck me again. (this is the season of epiphanies). these irritating young punks are learning... the same way we acquainted ourselves with ICQ and IRC, attained an eventual taste for japanese zen via ninja turtles, learned architecture playing with LEGO, environmentalism from captain planet, how to justify the iraq war from watching HeMan, to accept nuances of high rise living from national day songs... they too are learning a social process, which the future holds no clear indication, outside their classroom a=B+Cs....

the future of our architectural patrons... lies in understanding Maplestory and Blogspot...



wuks said...

Interesting observations..The blogspot/ friendster-led gathering in the library triggered something on what i talked about manifestations of the wired in the physical city.

Face-to-face interactions, communications, discussions etc is still paramount to the human. What joy in oogling over a hunk in your room? Share it! Distill the opinion of your peers! Don't let old fogeys like yr mum and zihao stand in your way!

Blogspot today, video conferencing extraordinaires when they grow up!

sio said...

On a different note, you might want to read, if you haven't already, Hannah Arendt's "Human Condition".

The world works as a process, one that generates emergent activities. In everything that these kids are exposed to lies a cause for future effect.

Everyone learns everyday but what really bugs me is how little people are aware of their responsibilities that come with knowledge!

Nothing is simply what it is. Naruto is not just Naruto.

oahiz_wanders said...

damnit all my epiphanies are so passe ideas...

like i just ran around naked in yew tee after i discovered that different materials have different densities and can be tasted whether it will sink in my bathtub liddat.... like i realise why apples will drop on my head liddat...

darnz.... pple more famous steal my ideas....