Tuesday, November 01, 2005

autonomous house 2 update: ... and nicer.

[where we last left off.]

at 1830hrs:

one of those round-about shots:

then, back upstairs:

and contrary to the 0900-1700hrs schedule, at midnight, 01 Oct 2005:


i've extensively used both my and outofscale flickr.com accounts for the month of October, so the pictures are getting a bit messy with some of them uploaded at solvent_d while others at outofscale. bear with the disorganised archiving for a while.

p/s: just realised that doing this takes an inordinate amount of time! gee...

i've got the last week to-visit links archived, but have not had the time to sort them out just yet. will put that up asap. will be busy in the next few days helping mexiao with her design, and at an even later date, probably help whoever needs help. sio and yaoks should take note that submissions are on next monday, and come forth to render their valuable services to our good friends back in nus.

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