Tuesday, October 25, 2005

homeward bound and towards seminar on friday.

finally am going home after an unprecedented overnight stay in the DDS. most of the preparation on my end has been dealt with, am left with one major portion to work on. thereafter, it's all about how we want to make the slides look even better, and i know that'd take a while.

last weekend's mad rush in preparation for Boss Lady's return was met with three consecutive sleepless nights. each of which saw the development of an ulcer as i was busying myself at the computer. quite naturally i was expecting another to develop last night, but that didn't come true. hurray to me, though much appreciation goes out to Ms Rachie Ho for sending me a six-pack of Tiger. beer certainly helps to keep the body chinesey-cool (liang2).


right, so much for this. am certainly looking forward to updating more on this site, but like everyone else in school, i've got so much work to attend to that it's getting a tad overwhelming to find the time. not to forget, i do need to get my RMIT acceptance and all that jazz settled asap before the end of november.

why specifically the end of november, you ask?

because i'm kiasu like that... :)

from now till then, i'd have to juggle clearing my house, working with Boss Lady for an extended period*, writing here, getting some sleep and completing the paperwork for Melbourne. so much to do, so little time.

well, before i go, do drop by at this friday's seminar at URA if you're free! it'd actually be quite interesting.... i hope... heehee...

Approaching the Conservation of Modern Heritage.

* "extended period" -- Boss Lady has just informed me that she'd like me to stay on the job a little longer because some new requirements have come into the picture.

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