Sunday, October 23, 2005

this week on the internet (16-22 Oct).

[01] Say no to buying graph paper; print your own! [via DesignObserver]

[02] the winner for Gutter's latest caption-this Kontest proves to me to be a tad offensive given its slant on racial positive-discrimination; then again, i'm yellow and anal retentive. anyway, not exactly politically correct, but far funnier.

[03] if ever projek potluck akitekture takes off, let's not start with a grid.

[04] brings me to another comic strip, which to me speaks a lot about how architectural sustainability is plausibly overrated.

[05] which invariably leads me to wonder if autonomous houses are ever going to take off.

[06] still, architecture steeped in other social causes of, say, slum/ displaced resettlement or improvement in India or other parts of the world ( really inspires me.

[07] in other parts of the world, it's been reaffirmed that China is expanding at a massive rate. so much so that there're measures in place to make sure that the Mainland builders do not get lost in the race.

[08] are biennials the new rage? is it just me or is our participation really foreign to us too?

[09] more trouble for google earth, this time from the Indian government. maybe the detractors should familiarise themselves with some theories on aerial perspectives to look beyond the terrorist threats.

[10] saving the best for last this week, architects separated at birth! there's more from where those came from, and all i can say is: OMG!!!!WTF!?!?!?!HAHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHAHAHAHA!

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